Thank you for purchasing this solution.
Remember, we are here to help you at every stage of your journey. You can talk to us, and we will always support you via our helpdesk.
Matrixena is an online Network Marketing script with tons of features and controls, different types of Matrix Network Marketing Plans in One Platform.
You can start your network marketing platform today with Matrixena script, it's a full solution for the MLM elites to compete with the key players such as
Pyxism, TrafficPowerline, BonVoyage1000, LiveGood, M80 Advertising, Forsage, Eagle Aurum, Twin Turbo, Fortress Network, FutureNet, Skippy, My Travel Club, BTZ powerline, Onex Qlxchange, Zyndio Travels, CBM Global, Skinny Body Care, Mulaup, Housing 4 Life, The Wealth Dynasty, Pays 4 ever, Claritta, Plutus Society, Next Level, MGH Global, My Secret Fortune, Happy Life Affiliates, Advduo, VIP Promoters, Alliance Economics, Penny Matrix, Casharead, Quartrix, BullRun, Phase 4 Global, Edu Swarm, Rally GPS, Magnetic Gratitude, and many more. You can offer any type of products and services and make profits.
Not only that, the Matrixena MLM Script comes with ready-made services that you can offer to your members from day 1 such as: Traffic Platform "New", Automated Travel Portal API, Advertising Platform, Internal eShop and more.
Matrixena has a clean, responsive and user-friendly design. You can manage almost everything in your site with its powerful Admin panel. It is secure, SEO-optimized, fast, fully customizable and easy to use.
Some MLMs are are considered as il-legal ponzi or pyramid schemes! The Ponzi Schemes "Illegal": are related to investment or ROI with a commission plan on the capitals invested or investments "Not selling real products or services", and their ROI calculations are not done by experts or even has no real business to generate such high profits which is considered as scam ponzi. The Pyramid Schemes "Mis-Math": are all about the cashflow calculations done in a fault way. The simplest equation: if the Outflow "Commissions" is greater than the Inflow "Purchases or Payments", then the company will close or shutdown to become a pyramid scheme.
That's why our experts are here to guide you with the right cashflow calculations and best direct selling mlm software programming to become the next big giant in the market such as Amway, Avon, Qnet, LiveGood, NuSkin, DXN, Oriflame, Mary Kay, MyDailyChoice, IM Academy, ByDzyne, PM International, Forever Living, E-ntrepreneur, Juice Plus+, Chogan, Pruvit, Vida Divina, Optavia - Medifast, Jifu, Total Life Changes, Melaleuca, Herbalife, Truvy, PURE, DoTerra, ACN, iGenius, Seacret Direct, Ambit Energy, BE, QSciences, APL GO, 4Life, Monat Global, LifeVantage and many more. (Free Guidance, Consultation and CashFlow full calculations with your purchase)
Technologies used:
Custom PHP with Smarty
Bootstrap 4
MLM Script Features
The Matrixena MLM Script is considered as a ready-made complete network marketing programming solution to start your own Online Multi Level Marketing company empire. It has many plans combined together such as: any type of matrix plan "Cycling, Follow-me, Company Forced, Stages, Multi-Tier, Courses Matrix with upgrades in same positions, one-time matrix, subscription matrix, free matrix, and more" combined with other mlm plans "Affiliates, Direct Commissions, Pass-up included, Uni-Level, eShop Commissions, Advertising Commissions, and more", combined with advanced bonuses "Leadership Ranks, IR Rewards, Global Sales Sharing Pools, and more.
Launch your Network Marketing and Direct Selling Platform in no-time with the Matrixena MLM Programming Script and grab your seat among the matrix giants such as Pyxism, TrafficPowerline, BonVoyage1000, LiveGood, M80 Advertising, Forsage, Eagle Aurum, Twin Turbo, Fortress Network, FutureNet, Skippy, My Travel Club, BTZ powerline, Onex Qlxchange, Zyndio Travels, CBM Global, Skinny Body Care, Mulaup, Housing 4 Life, The Wealth Dynasty, Pays 4 ever, Claritta, Plutus Society, Next Level, MGH Global, My Secret Fortune, Happy Life Affiliates, Advduo, VIP Promoters, Alliance Economics, Penny Matrix, Casharead, Quartrix, BullRun, Phase 4 Global, Edu Swarm, Rally GPS, Magnetic Gratitude, and much more. Outstanding features already included.
The Matrixena MLM Programming comes with advanced Key Features:
Clean and Responsive Design
Seo Optimized
Secure System
Members Dashboard, KYC, Account Setting, Profile, Testimonial
Members Wallet to Top-up (Deposit), Upgrade / Renew / Extend Membership, Transfer, Withdraw (Request payout), ..
Encrypted Passwords, 2nd password, Login OTP, Email Validation, etc.
History of Deposits, Transactions, Payouts, Purchases, Orders, ..
Membership Packages System (One-Time / Monthly / Annually)
Membership Restrictions and Access
Direct Commissions and Passup System
Advanced MLM Plans included
MLM Compensation Plans Genealogies
Courses Education System with upgrade
Members Ranks and Rewards
Profit Sharing Pools
Points System and ratings
Enhanced MLM Genealogies
Accept Payments via 30+ Payment Gateways: Internal Wallet, CoinBase, Stripe, PayPal, NowPayments, CoinPaymnents, PayStack, BitPay, Flutterwave, CinetPay, MetaMask, Authorize, AdvCash, FasaPay, SimplePay, Skrill, PayTM, PayFast, PayNup, BigPay, 2checkout, ipay88, MonCash, JazzCash, PerfectMoney, Payeer, Payex, OkPay, VoguePay, Bank Wire / SEPA / IPA "Manually", Western Union / Money Gram / Cheques "Manually", Add any manual method, Direct Credit/Debit Card API Connection with your Bank (Add-On) Payment Gateways
Process PayOuts automatically and manually via 30+ Gateways
Internal Advertising Platform (Banner, Text, Solo and Classified Ads
Ads Variations (Add available options, like color or size that the advertiser can choose)
Ads Commission System upon purchasing Advertising Credits
Automated Travel Portal API (Flights, Hotels, Car Rentals, Taxi portal, ..etc)
Internal eShop (Physical & Digital Products)
Auto-Deliver Digital Products Feature
eShop Commissions
Vouchers "ePins" & e-Coupons
Multilingual System (Arabic RTL Support)
FAQ and Internal Support Ticket System
Internal News Module
Internal Blogs Articles
Referrals Banners & Landing Pages
Live Chat and Social Links
Members Dashboard
Reviews / Testimonials
Payments, Earnings, Transactions, Point Exchanges, Withdrawals / Payouts
Free Referrals, Paid Referrals, MLM Genealogies, Referring System
Currency Options (With different currency format options)
Email Notifications
SMS Notifications
Internal Auto-Responder
Email Queue system
SMTP Integration
Commission Rates
Editable & Sortable Navigation (With menu)
Responsive & Sortable Slider (With show & hide Option)
Promoted Products (With enable & disable option)
Pending Products
Hidden Products
Image, Video, Audio and URL Preview Options
Add, Edit, Delete Unlimited Categories
Registration Fields
Custom Fields System (A new field can be added easily)
eCoupons System
Cache System
RSS Feeds
Payment Settings
Payouts / Withdrawals Settings
Admin: Search (Products and Members)
Filters & Porducts
Member Profile Pages
Last Login Time & IP Address
Update Profile Information & Change Password
2nd password for payout, Email validation & Login OTP
Social Links for Members
Blog Section
Add, Edit, Delete Unlimited Blog Posts
Add, Edit, Delete Unlimited Blog Categories
Comment System for Blog Posts (With enable & disable option)
Adding Unlimited Fully Editable Pages
Show & Hide Options for Page and Page Title
Multi-Countries and One Country Option (Work Locally or Globally)
Create Ad Codes
Review System (With enable & disable option)
Comment System (With enable & disable option)
HTML Email Template
Membership System
Roles & Permissions System
Secure Authentication
Members KYC and Roles
Email Verification System (With enable & disable option)
Password Reset
Add New Administrators
Manage Registered Members
Ban User Accounts
Maintenance Mode
Seo Tools
Editable Admin Panel Link
Admin Settings, history, logs, ...
Admin Roles & Statistics
Notifications: New orders, tickets, payments, withdrawals,..
Totals of the system (Total Members, payments, payouts, orders, vouchers, ..
Downloads Center & Tools
Editable Product Link Structure
Watermark System
Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
Inernal Captcha and Google reCAPTCHA Integrated
Social Media Links
Google Analytics
Advanced Settings Options
Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard
Detailed Documentation
Runs on PHP 7.2, 7.3, or higher
Matrixena MLM is a secure system. There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are:
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
Passwords with One-Way Hashing and Members KYC
Encrypted Passwords, 2nd password, Login OTP, Email Validation, etc.
Fraud Protection: Credit/Debit Card Payment Methods enhanced with Prior KYC for Members
Changeable Admin URL and Cronjobs URL
Hard Mode available for the registration, login and forget password page
Avoiding SQL Injection
Brute Force Protection
Restrictions, Ban IP, Ban User, Ban Email, Ban words, ..etc
Server Side Protection: Mod-Security, Firewall, Rules, Whitelist/Blacklist
Internal CAPTCHA and Google Recaptcha
Hosting Requirements:
Most of the web hosting companies already support our programming script requirements. These requirements are:
script.js: Contains custom script codes. There are custom functions and ajax post functions
jquery.cookie.js: JavaScript library for handling cookies
plugins.js: Contains javascript plugins for front-end.
Js files are separated into sections using:
//ajax post delete image
//datatable function
etc, etc.
c) Plugins
Plugins used in application:
jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the
jQuery JavaScript Library.
CKEditor is a browser-based WYSIWYG content editor.
DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the
foundations of progressive enhancement, and will add
advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.
Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons.
jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags
Magnific Popup
Jquery Gallery plugin
Responsive jquery slider plugin
Jquery-confirm plugin
Check your PHP version before start installation. Your PHP version need to be 7.2 or a higher version.
cURL PHP extension must be enabled on your server. If you get "cURL is not available on your server! Please enable cURL to continue the installation"
error during installation, you need to enable cURL and ionCube on your server.
You can enable it by adding extension=php_curl and extension=ioncube line to your php.ini file. If you cannot access your php.ini file, please contact your server provider.
License Code
After purchasing the Script. You will get the License Code connected to your domain (www.___._)
If you need help, Go to our help desk ( and contact us.
You can follow these steps to install the script:
1. Create a new Database with user that has all permissions.
Go to cPanel and Click MySQL® Databases
Create New Database
Add New User
Add User To Database
Set User Permissions
2. Upload script files to your hosting (FTP).
Open your cPanel and go to File Manager section.
Go to main directory of your site. Most of the time this folder will be "public_html".
Open this folder and upload file to this folder.
Rigth click the .zip file and select Extract option.
Move all files that in the "script-v.." folder to main directory.
Delete unnecessary files/folders: "documentation", "script-v.." and "".
Make sure that the .htaccess file exists in this directory. If you cannot see it, click Settings button at the top right corner and select Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) option.
Also, cPanel can automatically change the content of this file. Please open this file and make sure the content of this file is like .htaccess below.
If you are using NGINX server, .htaccess will not work on your server. In this case, you need to make these settings in your server: NGINX configuration
Also, you can contact us to get Free Installation.
3. You will see this page after uploading all files to your FTP. Click "Install" to proceed.
If you cannot see this page, you can access install page by entering this link to your browser address bar:
4. Enter your license code and then click Next. or Click "Go to Support System" button to get your license code.
5. Check system requirements. If one of these extensions is not enabled, you must enable it from your server settings. If all requirements are provided, click Next.
6. Check folder permissions. If all folders are writable, click Next.
7. Enter your database credentials. Click next.
If you want to change your database credentials later, you can edit the Configuration file.
8. Enter your site URL, admin credentials and your Timezone and click finish. Site URL is your complete site address. Some examples:
Installing to Main directory: (Default Choice)
Installing to subdomain:
Installing to folder:
You need to enter "http" if you don't have SSL on your site. (Example:
9. Delete the install folder.
After the installation, if you see "404 Not Found" error or if you can not login to your site, please check your main directory.
There should be a .htaccess file. If you don't have this file, none of your links will work. You can find this file in the main directory of script files.
Depending on the operating system you are using, such setting files may be hidden in your computer. In this case, you may not see this file. You can see this file by making the hidden files visible on your computer.
If you completed the installation successfully, please make your SSL settings to the default settings (also explained on our Knowledge-Base)
Configuration File
This file contains some general settings for your site.
ENVIRONMENT: Default value of this variable is "Live". This option will not display if there is an error on your site.
Instead, you will see the "An error occurred!" message.
To see the errors, you need to change the value of this variable to "maintenance".
ENVIRONMENT = maintenance
app.baseURL: This is your site base URL. It is very important to add your correct site URL to this field.
If you add a wrong site URL, your site will not work.
Installing to Main directory: app.baseURL =
Installing to subdomain: app.baseURL =
Installing to folder: app.baseURL =
LICENSE_KEY: You need to enter your license key to this field.
cookie.prefix: This value is used for cookies to avoid collisions.
Default value is "mhd_", but you can change this value and add a unique value for your site. You must not add a special character to this field.
File Upload Settings
If you want to upload large files, you may need to make some settings on your server. Also, Matrixena performs image optimization while uploading images. This optimization uses memory.
If you try to upload large files without doing some settings on your server, you can get an error.
If you can't upload large files, you need to set these PHP values. These are recommended minimum values.
With these settings, you can only upload files up to 32 MB in size. If you want to upload larger files, you need to increase the "32M" value.
If you think your upload will take more than 30 seconds, you can increase the max_execution_time value also.
If you cannot upload large files after making these settings, you may need to increase client_max_body_size value in your server.
To set these values follow the steps:
Go to your cPanel and click "Select PHP Version"
Then click "Switch to PHP Options"
Then set the values "upload_max_filesize", "post_max_size" and "memory_limit" as you see in the picture.
If you can not reach these settings, please contact your hosting provider and ask them to make these settings.
Quick Start
✓ Accessing Admin Panel: After installation, you will be redirected to home page. Open your and login with your Admin E-mail or Username and password.
After login, you will see your Admin Area with all controls.
✓ SEO, Info, Social and Main Banners: Go to the "Plugin > Frontpage", fill the fields with seo and meta.
In this page, you can also set your mlm programing info, main banners, live support channels, and social media urls.
✓ Setting main Configuration: Go to the "Configuration > General", set your Company name, Start Date and click save
In this page, you can go to Localization to set your default country, currency, timezone and format.
✓ Memberships Configuration: Go to the "Configuration > Membership", and use the settings according to your needs.
In this page, you can set the members security, wallet settings, members KYC and more.
✓ Memberships Packages: Go to the "Configuration > Membership Package", choose and set the mlm plans with different commissions and chriterias.
You can set each membership package name, price, subscription period (Life-Time / weekly / monthly / annually), direct commissions, ad credits, and many more.
✓ MLM Network Marketing Plans: Go to the "Configuration > MLM Network", Add membership plans with different prices, subscription duration, commissions and more.
By default, any new member registering on your platform becomes a Free Member (No need to create a Free Membership.
You can enable / disable any mlm plan. you can enable many plans to work together at the same time (Example: Paid Members can earn from Direct Commissions + Passup + Uni-Level + Company Forced Matrix + Courses Matrix Upgrades, Cycler, Follow-me, Multi-Stages,.etc. beside the eshop commissions, ads commissions and other commissions.)
✓ Ranks, Pools and Rewards: Go to the "Admin > Gifts & Rewards", choose and set from the ranks and profit sharing pools.
You can enable / disable any feature. you can add any number of ranks and profit sharing pools.
✓ Adding eShop Products : Click "eShop" button that in the main navigation, then Add New Product. Fill in the form and click Submit button.
✓ Adding Product Category: Open your Admin Panel, go to "eShop > Configuration > Categories" section and click "Add Category", then fill in the form and click Add Category button.
✓ Adding/Editing Content: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Management > Content > Edit Pages > Frontpages" section and click on the "edit" icon or page name, then fill in the form and click the button.
✓ Adding Blog Post: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Management > Article" section and click on "Write New Article", then fill in the form and click the button.
✓ Adding Blog Category: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Management > Article" section and click on "Categories", then fill in the "Add Category" form and click Add Category button.
✓ Send Email to Subscribers: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Contact/Mailing" section from navigation, then fill in the mail form and click Send Email button.
In this page, you can set also the automated emails (Auto-Responder).
✓ Running Ads: If you want to enable advertising and add your ad codes, that's very easy in the Matrixena. Open your Admin Panel, go to "Ads" section from navigation,
add your ad codes then click Save Changes button.
✓ Managing Classified Ads Locations: Matrixena has editeble countries and states/cities database. You can manage your locations from Location Settings section. Open your Admin Panel, go to "Ads > Classified > Configuration".
If you want to edit countries, click Countries link. If you want to edit states/cities, click States link.
✓ Managing Languages: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Configration > Languages" section. If you want to add a new language, fill in the "Add Language" form and click Add Language button.
If you want to change default language, select the language from "Default Language" form and click Save Changes button. If you want to edit translations, find the language file from "Languages" list and click
"Select an option" button, then click "Edit Translations" option and edit translations.
✓ Email Settings: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Configuration > Emailing" section, then fill in the "Email Settings" form and click Save Changes button.
✓ SMS Settings: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Configuration > SMS Notifications" section, then fill in the "SMS Settings" form and click Save Changes button.
✓ Payment Settings: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Configuration > Payment Settings" section from navigation, then select options in the "Payment Settings" form and click Save Changes button.
You can manage the API Keys, currency rate, and payment fees. You can enable/disable any gateway and set the default one.
✓ Payout Settings: Open your Admin Panel, go to "Configuration > Withdrawal Settings" section from navigation, then select options in the "Withdrawal Settings" form and click Save Changes button.
You can manage the API Keys or Manual withdrawal, currency rate, and withdrawal fees. You can enable/disable any gateway and set the default one.
Admin Home
There are some counters in the Admin panel's home page. These counters:
Statistics: Shows latest stats count
Notifications: Shows the pending admin to do (New eShop Order, New Payments, Payouts / withdrawals requests,..)
Members Online: Shows members online count
Visitors Online: Shows visitors online count
Members: Shows members count (total, paid , free)
Payments: Shows total payments
Earnings: Shows total commissions
Balance: Shows total members balance
Payouts: Shows total money withdrawals
Vouchers: Shows total vouchers / ePins (available, ordered, used)
Blog Posts: Shows blog posts count
Products: Shows products count
Orders: Shows orders count
In addition to these counters, there are also sections that show latest records:
Latest Orders: Shows last added orders
Latest Payments: Shows recent Payments
Latest Transactions: Shows last transactions for 7 days
Latest Reviews: Shows last testimonials
Latest News: Shows latest recent news
Latest Members: Shows last registered members
Visitors Online: Shows number of visitors on your platform
Members Online: Shows number of members on your platform
System Time: Shows your system date and time
and many more
Admins & Members
You can manage administrators and Members from this section.
Add Administrator: You can add a new administrator from this page. Administrators: You can see administrators from this page. Paid Members: You can see paid members from this page. Free Members: You can see free members from this page. Options:
Email Verified: You can manually verify the email validation for any member
KYC Verified: You can manually verify the KYC for any member
Upgrade Member: You can upgrade the membership of any member
Renew Membershio: You can renew the membership subscription of any member
Ban Member: If you want to ban a member, you can select "Ban Member" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Balance: You can add or substract member's balance and leave a note
History: You can check and revise the history of payments, transactions, earnings, .. of any member
Edit: You can edit a member details by selecting this option.
Delete: If you want to delete a member, you can select "Delete" option by clicking "Select an option" button. "Not Recommended due to the MLM Plans and Positioning"
Contact: You can contact any member by click the "contact" button
Members Dashboard
Your members can access the features available inside their member's area
Resources (News, FAQ, Blog Articles, Support Tickets)
You can add/ edit the member's menu in the way you want.
You can add more services / pages to your members and give access to your members (Choose who to access: Free / Paid / Paid upon membership package)
Keep the transparency and credibility among your members today and in the future.
Admin can enable/disable any feature.
Admin Dashboard
You and/or your staff with roles can access the features available inside your administrator's area
Admin DashBoard (notifications, new orders, new payout requests, statistics, totals, ..)
Members (Summary, Members List, KYC, Add new Member, Members Balance, Members Packages, Top Members, Top Recruiters, Top Earners, Rating Scores, Export)
Online Store (Summary, New Orders, Completed Orders, Generate Reports, Products, Configuration)
Internal Advertising Module: Banner, Text, Classifieds & Solo Ads "Add-On"
Traffic get-paid Advertising Module: View website, watch videos, share link to earn "Add-On"
Support Tickets (New, Answered, Closed, Create Ticket, Configuration)
You can add/ edit the admin's menu in the way you want.
You can add more features / pages to your admins
Admin can enable/disable any feature.
Roles & Permissions
This system allows you to assign different roles and permissions for members using your MLM platform.
Default Roles
Super Admin: This role is the main role that can manage everything in the site. We do not recommend you to assign this role
to another admin or staff. You can use another Admin role instead of assigning this role. General Admin: This role allows admin to answer support tickets and handle the eshop orders Financial Admin: This role allows admin to take care of the payments, withdrawals and money transactions
Changing a Admin's Role
To change the role of an Admin, you can go to the "Admin > Admin List" section and select the "Change Role" option.
Membership Packages
Membership Packages system allows you to sell membership packages with subscription time limit and product addition to the members on your site. You can manage existing Packages or create new Packages from the section.
Title: Name of the membership Package.
Advertising Credits: You can set Advertisinig Credits for each membership package.
Duration: The time limit for the subscription package to be active. If this time expires and the Member / User doesnot renews the package, the member will not earn again from the network marketing mlm plans according to your settings.
Price: The price of the Package.
Order: The added packages will be sorted by this value.
Direct Commission: You can set the sponsor's direct commission on each membership package.
Generation Commissions: Distribute commissions to unlimited generation of sponsor on each membership package.
How It Works
After creating your membership packages, members can upgrade to one of your membership packages according to their choice.
If we don't want to force members to buy one of these packages, you can leave them as Free Members in your MLM Platform.
Free Members can upgrade their membership package from inside their member's area.
Paid Members can see and renew their membership package from inside their member's area.
Network Marketing MLM Plans
The Matrixena MLM Script comes as an advanced Multi-Level Marketing Programming solution to run your own network marketing platform.
You can manage the enrollmemnt membership package duration, direct commissions and more from the membership packages as explained above, and you can also mamnage the advanced mlm plans from "configuration > Network MLM" as follow:
Affiliate: Set the amount of the Affiliate or Direct Commissions depending on the membership package purchased (example: Amazon affiliate, eBay affiliate, ..)
Free Plan: Reward Free members with $0.$$ for joining and inviting other free members
Passup: Set your passup mlm plan as 1up or 2up or 3up or x-up system and reward your members with infinity width and depth (example: MoneyBee, Easy1up, ..)
Uni_Level: distribute commission amount a set of levels (Unlimited width).
Cycling Matrix: Set your Follow-Me Matrix with any width and depth (example: 2x2 cycler of BonVoyage1000 MLM USA Travel Company)
Forced Matrix: Set your Company Forced Matrix with any width and depth (example: 2x10 Forced Matrix)
Subscription Matrix: Set your Company Subscription Matrix with any width and depth (example: 2x12 Forced Matrix of LiveGood MLM USA Discounts Company)
Stages Matrix: Set Multi-Stages or Multi-Phases Matrix with auto-entry to the next phase once the earlier matrix phase is filled. (example: Pyxism USA Travel Company)
Courses Matrix: A stable matrix for education / courses, where members can upgrade to higher courses while staying in the same positions. (example: Onex QLXChange, 10Xpro, ..)
Points System: Reward your members with additional points, you can allow members to exchange the points to $. (example: Dubli discounts,..)
Ranks and Rewards: Reward your members with Ranks, you can set ranks' chriterias with auto add-to-rank cronjob once the chriterias are met.
Profit Sharing Pools: Motivate your superstar members or big leaders with the profit sharing pools. Allow them to earn from the company global total sales.
Ads Commissions: Additional earnings can be distributed on each Advertising Credits Package Purchased
eShop Commissions: Additional earnings can be distributed on each eShop Product Purchased
and more
Imagine that: With Matrixena MLM Script you can combine all the above Network Marketing Plans together in one program / platform, and your members can get rewarded from multiple streams at the same time. This is the power of our Direct Selling Network Marketing Top Softwares.
How It Works
After creating your membership packages and setting the mlm plans (You can enable many mlm plans to work together at the same time), members can upgrade to one of your membership packages according to their choice to get the products or services offered and enjoy the different types of MLM Networking Plans on your platform.
If we don't want to force members to buy one of these packages, you can leave them as Free Members in your MLM Platform.
Free Members cannot earn from the mlm plans (You can enable them to earn direct commissions and advanced free matrix only).
Paid Members are positioned in all the enabled mlm plans and earn from all of them at the same time.
Traffic Platform "New"
At MHDscripts, we always enhance and update our programming scripts with the most powerful features to help you in expanding your business.
The Traffic Platform is a new module that we have added to Matrixena MLM Script which allows members to buy traffic advertising package to get real views or visits to their websites or videos. On the other side, your members can Get Paid to View websites, Get Paid to Watch Videos, Get Paid to Share URLs and more.
This module is considered as an additional value and method of earning for your members to keep them around.
You can manage your Traffic Platfrom from "Admin Panel > Traffic".
Get Paid to View: Set your Get Paid to View Websites. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete Traffic Links. Get Paid to Watch: Set your Get Paid to Watch Videos. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete Traffic Videos. Get Paid to Share: Set your Get Paid to Share URLs. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete Traffic URLs. Roles: Set the roles to allow Free Members or Paid Members or All members to get advantage from the Traffic platform and earning per view/watch/share. Traffic Packs: Set your Traffic Packages pricing and earning per view/watch/share. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete traffic packs.
With this module, You can offer your traffic services among all your affiliates and mlm community.
Automated Travel Portal API
We at MHDscripts care about your MLM Business Success, that's why we are supporting with a lot of modules, platforms and ready-made services that you can offer to your members.
The Automated Travel Portal API with lowest price guaranteed, allows your members to access to a wide range of travel products and services, streamlined booking process, special deals and promotions, booking management tools, and you can access the reporting and analytics.
This module is considered as a big value for your members and customers. You (Platform Owner or Admin) will earn a commission on each booking from the travel agency / provider.
No need to manage bookings or takecare of anything. It's fully automated by the travel agency and fully branded with your company logo.
Flights: Allow your members to book flights from inside your Matrixena MLM Platform. Hotels: Allow your members to book hotels from inside your Matrixena MLM Platform. Taxi: Allow your members to book a taxi from inside your Matrixena MLM Platform. Car Rentals: Allow your members to rent a car or a limo flights from inside your Matrixena MLM Platform. Special Deals: Allow your members to grab a special travel deal from inside your Matrixena MLM Platform. Lowest Price Guarantee: The Travel Agency provide the travel services with the lowest price guarantees to assure your members' satisfaction. Limitations: You can offer the travel portal for your Free Members or Paid Members or All Members. Even you can set the limitation for each service by itself.
eShop Products
You can manage the products from "Admin > eShop > Products".
Live Products: You can see the live products. Special Offers: You can see special discounted products in this section. Pending Products: You can see pending products from this page. Hidden Products: You can see hidden products from this page. Out of Stock Products: You can see the out-of-stock products from this page. Sold Products: You can see sold products from this page. Options: You can see options by clicking "Select an option" button on each page.
View Details: You can see all details of a product by selecting this option.
Edit: You can edit a product by selecting this option.
Delete: You can delete a product by selecting this option.
Add to Featured: You can add a product to featured products by selecting this option.
Remove from Featured: You can remove a product from featured products by selecting this option.
Add to Special Offers: You can add a product to special offers by selecting this option.
Remove from Special Offers: You can remove a product from special offers by selecting this option.
Limitation: You can limit a product purchase to paid members only or free or all members by selecting this option.
Enable: You can enable/disable a product by selecting this option.
eShop Orders
You can see and manage ordes from this section.
Orders: Go to "Admin Panel > eShop" section and click "Orders".
View Details: You can view all order details by select this option.
Completed/Processing: You can change order status by selecting these options.
Payment Received/Payment Pending: You can change order payment status by selecting these options.
Delete: You can delete an order with this option.
Payment Transaction: Go to "eShop > Orders" section from navigation and click "Order Details > Payment".
You can see payment transaction from this section.
Invoices: Go to "eShop > Orders" section and click (Order Details > Print). You can see all created invoices from this section.
Automatic Delivery Feature
You can add and sell physcial and digital sales from "Admin > eShop > Add New Product". If you want to activate the Auto-Delivery function for digital products, make sure to set the product chriteria "require no shipping" and you can upload the digital product to be automatically delivered to the buyer once the payment is completed. Yes automatically.
Once any member purchases this digital product, the member will be able to download it from inside "Member's Area > eShop > Orders History > Order Details".
If you delete a digital sale, it will be deleted from buyers downloads page.
Advertising Platform
Allow your members to get Advertising Credits with their membership package and to buy Advertising Credits to be able to advertise Banners Ads, Text Ads, Solo Ads and Classified Ads on your website.
You can manage your Advertising Platfrom from "Admin Panel > Ads".
Banner Ads: Set your Banner Ads Configurations. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete banners. Text Ads: Set your Text Ads Configurations. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete text ads. Solo Ads: Set your Solo Ads Configurations. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete solo ads. Classified Ads: Set your Classified Ads Configurations. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete classifieds. Ad Credits Packs: Set your Advertising Credits Packages pricing. You can enable,disable, add, edit and delete ad crdits packs.
Ads Location
You can manage countries, states and cities for classified ads from "Ads > Classified > Configuration".
Countries: You can add, edit and delete countries from this section. States: You can add, edit and delete states from this section. Cities: You can add, edit and delete cities from this section.
You can enable/disable the classified ads location from the admin panel
Earnings: Go to "Admin > History" section and click on "Earnings" .
You can see members earnings from this section and filter the earnings by type.
members Balances: Go to "Admin > Member" section and click on "Member Balances".
You can see balance of all your members arranged descending. Admin can Add/Substract any member's balance.
Add Payout: Go to "Financial > Withdrawals" section and click "Add Payout Request".
You can add a withdrawal request for a Member from this section.
Payout Requests: Go to "Financial > Withdrawals" section and click "Pending Withdrawals".
Members can withdraw their money by adding a payout request. Admin will send the member's money and set it as "Completed".
Payout amount will be decreased from Member balance.
Completed Payouts: Go to "Financial > Withdrawals" section and click "Completed Payouts".
You can see completed payouts from this section.
Refund Requests
You can manage all refund requests on the site from this section.
How it works?
You can add a support ticket category with the name "Refund" and add it inside "Admin > Support Tickets > Configuration).
The member or the buyer can send a support ticket with label refund and explain his issue.
The admin can answer the request and take the decision to cancel/delete the order and refund manually.
Custom Registration Fields
Custom fields let you add new fields to "Registration" page. Like Governmental ID, Passport Number,... You can add, update or delete custom fields from this section.
Add Custom Field: Go to "Configuration > Registration Fields" section and click Add Custom Field. Then fill in the Add Custom Field form.
Field Name: Field name. You should enter according to language.
Required: You can determine whether this field is required or not.
Where to Display: With this option you can choose where you want to show your custom field on the product details page.
Status: You can enable or disable field.
Order: Custom fields will be displayed according to this order.
Type: From this section you can select appropriate input type for the custom field.
Update Custom Field: Go to "Custom Fields" section from navigation and click Custom Fields link. Find custom field that you want to edit and select "Edit" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Then make your edits and click "Save Changes" button.
Delete Custom Field: On the same list you can delete custom fields by selecting "Delete" option for each field.
You can add/edit/delete your custom fields.
You can update and edit pages from this section.
update Page: Go to "Management > Content > Edit Pages" section from navigation and click "Frontpage". Then fill in with your content.
Title: Page title.
Slug: Slug for SEO friendly url. You can add custom slug. If you leave it empty, it will be generated automatically.
Language: Page will be displayed according to this language
Order: Pages will order according to this value (from "Management > Content > Menu").
Visibility: You can hide or show page.
Content: Page content.
Update Page: Find page that you want to edit and select "Edit" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Then make your edits and click "Save Changes" button.
Delete Page: On the same list you can delete pages by selecting "Delete" option for each page.
You can manage blog posts and blog categories from this section.
Add Blog Article: Go to "Management > Blog Articles" section from navigation and click "Add New Article". Then fill in the form.
Title: Post title
Summary & Description: You can add Summary & Description (Meta Tag) for articles
Language: Articles will be displayed according to this language
Category: Articles category
Image: Post image
Content: Article content
Update Blog Article: Go to "Blog" section. Find article that you want to edit and select "Edit" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Then make your edits and click "Save Changes" button.
Delete Page: On the same list you can delete posts by selecting "Delete" option for each Article.
Add Category: Go to "Blog" section from navigation and click Categories. Then fill in the Add Category form.
Language: Category will be displayed according to this language
Category Name: Category name
Description: You can add Description (Meta Tag) for category.
Order: Your categories will be listed according to this order.
Update Category: Go to "Blog" section from navigation and click Categories link. Find category that you want to edit and select "Edit" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Then make your edits and click "Save Changes" button.
Delete Category: On the same list you can delete categories by selecting "Delete" option for each category.
Help Center
Matrixena has a help center that all members can contact the site management.
FAQ Knowledge Base
With this system, you can add all the information about how to use the features on your site, your site rules, conditions,
and all other information on your site. You can create different categories for your faqs and add the necessary articles to these categories.
members will see these articles and faqs inside their member's area and on the front-side of the site.
Internal Support Tickets
You can enable, view and reply to support tickets sent by members in this section. No need to use a 3rd party support ticket service.
The Matrixena MLM Script comes with the internal help center system without any additional cost.
You can see all reviews that members added from this section. If you want to delete a review, you can select "Delete" option by clicking "Select an option" button.
Pending Reviews
You can see and approve the pending Reviews from this section.
Approved Reviews
You can see and delete the approved Reviews from this section.
You can enable the "Reviews" page on the frontpage menu of your platform.
Newsletters and Auto-Responder
The Newsletter allows you to share some updates and interesting things with the members.
The Auto-Responder allows you to set automated emails to be sent automatically to free members or paid members
Paid members: All Paid members are listed on this list. You can select the paid members that you want to send email and click the "Send Email" button. Free members: All Free members are listed on this list. You can select the free members that you want to send email and click the "Send Email" button.
Status: You can enable or disable the newsletter system with this option.
Image: You can upload your image inside the newsletter and auto-responder.
To use the Newsletter section, you need to make your email settings. For this, you can read the "Email Settings" section.
Cron Job
A cron job is a Linux command for scheduling a task to be executed sometime in the future. You can set a cron job to update your sitemap, scheduled posts or commissions distribution periodically.
Follow these steps to set up cron job:
Go to your cPanel and click cron jobs.
Select the time interval that the cron job will run and your command and create the cron job.
Cron Task:
wget -O /dev/null
You need to paste these commads to "Command" field and you need to create a different cron job for each task.
**Do not forget to change "" with your domain name.
These commands may not work if you do not have a management panel on your server or if you are using another panel instead of cPanel or hpanel.
Cron job can be added in different ways. If this command doesn't work, you need to contact your server provider and ask for help to create a cron job.
Password Reset
To use the Password Reset section, you need to make your Email Settings. The system will send a password reset link, so it is necessary to enter
a working email server credentials to use email system. You can read more about email settings from here.
If you have not set up your email settings yet and have forgotten your password, you can set your email credentials from your database.
To do this, open your database via phpMyAdmin. Click on the config_mailing table and set your smtp in this table.
After adding the smtp, you can Reset your password.
You can manage your site settings from this section.
Classified Ads: You can enable & disable classified ads system with this option. If you disable this option, member cannot list their classified ad.
Show advertiser Contact Information on the Site: If you don't want to show advertisers contact information in your site, you can select "No" for this option.
eShop Products: You can enable & disable physical and digital products eShop with this option.
MLM Plans: You can enable & disable any MLM plan with this option.
Vouchers "ePins" & e-Coupons: You can enable & disable selling Vouchers "ePins" & e-Coupons system with this option.
Timezone: You can set your timezone with this field.
Multilingual System: You can enable or disable multilingual system with this option.
KYC Verification System: You can enable or disable member Verification system with this option.
SEO: You can set your metaname, metadescription and meta keywords.
Search by Location : You can enable or disable the location search section on the header of the site with this option.
Approve Ads Before Publishing: If you don't want to approve members Ads, you can disable it with this option.
Featured Ads: If you don't want featured Ads in your site, you can select disable option.
Show Solo Ads on the Site: These Ads are showing full screen after a member logs inside his/her acount.. You can enable/disable the solo Ads on your platform.
Product Link Structure: You can select product URL structure with this option.
Reviews & Comments
Reviews: You can enable or disable review system with this option.
Product Comments: You can enable or disable product comment system with this option.
Blog Comments: You can enable or disable blog comment system with this option.
File Upload
Product Image Upload: With this option, you can make image upload mandatory or optional.
Product Image Upload Limit: With this option, you can determine the maximum number of images that can be uploaded for a product.
Max File Size (Image): With this option, you can specify the maximum size of an image file to be uploaded.
Max File Size (Video): With this option, you can specify the maximum size of an video file to be uploaded.
Max File Size (Audio): With this option, you can specify the maximum size of an audio file to be uploaded.
Genaral Settings
Genaral Settings
Script Name: Site name.
Site Title: Site title.
Home Title: Homepage title.
Site Description: Site description
Keywords: Site keywords
Footer About Section: About your site. This will be shown in the footer.
Copyright: You can update copyright section.
Contact Settings
Address: Your address
Email: Your email address
Phone: Your phone number
Contact Text: You can add some text about contact.
Social Media Settings
You can add your social links from this section.
Facebook Comments
If you want to use Facebook comment plugin you have to add your plugin code to this section.
Select "reCAPTCHA v2" and "I'm not a robot Checkbox" options and generate your API keys.
Maintenance Mode
If you want to prepere your site before going live or if you want to close your site to visitors, you can enable this mode. If you enable it, only Admin can access the site.
Other visitors will see a "Coming Soon!" text.
Language Settings
You can manage your language settings from this section.
Default Language: You can change your site default language from this form. Add Language: You can add a new language from this form. Languages: You can see your languages on this table and you can update or delete a language.
Also you can edit all translations in your language. To open translation page, click "Edit Translations" button.
Product Settings
Classified Ads
Price: You can enable / disable price option for classified ads products with this option. If you do not want the product price to be optional, you must select "Required".
Location: You can enable / disable Location system for classified ads products with this option.
External Link: This option allows you to add an external link for your product. If you have the same product on another website, you can add your URL to this field.
eShop Products
Title: The name of your product.
Description: The Description of your prodcut.
SEO Keywords: The Keywords for each products for higher SEO.
Product Images: Add Product images
Auto-Delivery "No Shipping": With this option, you can enable the auto-delivery for digital products.
Payment Settings
You can make your payment settings from this section.
Status: You can enable & disable a payment gateway with this option. Mode: If you want to add your test API keys, you need to select "Sandbox", if you want to add your live keys, you need to select the "Production" option. API Keys (Client ID, Public Key, Secret Key..): These are your payment gateway API keys. To generate these keys, you need to go to the dashboard of your
payment gateway and create these API keys with your account. If you cannot create these keys, you can contact support service of your payment gateway. Currency: Select your currency and set the currency rate Transaction Fee (%): If you want to receive a transaction fee for payments, you can set a transaction fee rate for your payment gateway with this option.
Commission & Tax Settings
Commission: If you want to get a sales report for every sale on your eShop, you can enable this option and set your commission rate. VAT (Value-Added Tax): You can enable & disable VAT in your site with this option. If you enable this option, VAT will be added on the payment.
Currency Settings
You can manage your currencies from this section.
Currency Settings
Default Currency: You can select your default currency from this field. Currency Symbol: You can fill your currency symbol "example: $". Decimals: You can choose how many decimals "example : 2 means $0.00".
Email Settings
To send emails, you must create a mail account on your server and you must enter your email account credentials to these fields:
Mail Service: Matrixena has Swift Mailer and PHP Mailer email libraries. It can also be connected with any SMTP.
Mail Protocol: SMTP or Mail. Default: SMTP. But some mail servers use Mail protocol. In this case you should use Mail protocol.
Encryption: TLS or SSL. Default: TLS. If your server does not support sending with SSL, you should choose TLS.
Mail Host: Your mail server (E.g:
Mail Port: Your mail port. Default: 587
Mail Username: Your username (E.g:
Mail Password: Your password
Mail Title: Your email title
Reply-To: If recipients reply to your e-mail, the reply will go to this e-mail address.
Mail Protocol
Mail protocol allows you to use the default PHP mail function and allows you to send email without any extra settings. But this function is disabled on most servers for security reasons.
If this function is active on your server, you can select the Mail protocol and use it without making any other settings.
Mail Protocol: Mail
Mail Title: Matrixena
SMTP Protocol
If the Mail protocol is not working on your server, you need to use the SMTP protocol. You need a mail server for using SMTP protocol. You can use your own server or Amazon SES as your mail server.
1. Using Your Own Server
If you want to use the mail service of your own server, you can create a mail account on your server and make the necessary settings with this account.
To do this, you need to create a mail account on your server and know which protocol and port values your server uses.
If you can't see these values from your server's management panel, you can ask help from your server provider.
Mail Protocol: SMTP
Mail Library: Swift Mailer or PHP Mailer
Encryption: TLS
Mail Host:
Mail Port: 587
Mail Username:
Mail Password: 1234
Mail Title: Matrixena
2. Using Amazon Simple E-mail Service (SES)
Amazon SES is a cloud-based email sending service. You can create your Amazon SES account and send emails with this service.
This is not a free service, check this page for pricing:
If you want to use this service, follow these steps to make your email settings:
Click the "Simple Email Service" link under the Services menu
Click the "SMTP Settings" link from left menu.
Click the "Create My SMTP Credentials" button.
Click the "Create" button.
Your credentials will be created after these steps.
After creating your credentials, you can add these credentials from Email Settings in the Admin panel.
Mail Protocol: SMTP
Mail Library: Swift Mailer or PHP Mailer
Encryption: TLS
Mail Host:
Mail Port: 587
Mail Password: BPj7ailKjbITgyGF6brROnVIflfdfdydbdklsdsds
If you are using Amazon SES in test mode, you need to verify the email address to which you will send a test mail and the email address that you add for the "Reply-To" field. To do this, click the Email Addresses link from the left navigation and verify the receiver email address in this section.
Sending email via Gmail will no longer be supported by us. The reason for this is that the security changes made by Google prevent the sending of emails. Sometimes, even after making the necessary settings, Gmail does not allow sending email on some servers.
You can use the Gmail server if it is working on your server, but our support team will not help with this.
Email Verification: You can enable or disable email verification from this section.
Contact Messages : If you want to send contact messages to your email address, you can select "Yes" for "Send Contact Messages to Email Address" option by adding your email address.
Font Settings
You can change your site font from this section. Add Font
If you want to add new fonts to your site, you can add them from this section. Follow these steps to add a new font:
Click the red plus icon for the font that you want to add.
You will see "Family Selected" box at the right bottom of the page. Click on this box.
Copy the font URL and enter it to "URL" field.
E.g: <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
Copy the CSS rule and enter it to "Font Family" field.
E.g: font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
Route Settings
You can change static routes in your site from this section.
You cannot use invalid & special characters in the routes. The system will remove the invalid character when you click the save changes button.
Editing Script Codes
Editing codes is not included in item support. If you want to edit the script codes, you need to edit the codes by yourself or you need to ask help from a PHP developer.
Editing HTML Codes
If you want to edit the HTML codes, you can edit the files in the "app/Views" folder.
Header: You can edit header of the site in the "app/Views/partials/_header.php" file. <head></head> tags are located in this file.
If you want to add something between these tags, you need to edit this file.
Index: You can edit homepage of the site in the "app/Views/index.php" file.
Footer: You can edit footer of the site in the "app/Views/partials/_footer.php" file.
Editing CSS Codes
If you want to edit the CSS codes, you can edit "assets/css/style.min.css" file. If you are using the Chrome browser, you need to reset the browser cache to see the changes.
Matrixena has been developed a Custom PHP script with Smarty Template. If you need more technical details to edit the codes, you can read Smarty documentation.
Update Guide
You can find all instructions to update your site in this section. If you don't know your current version, you can check it from the "version.txt" file in the main directory of your site files.
Please take a backup of your site before you start updating. If your update fails, you can upload your backup and try again.
Follow all steps in the Updating Database (Click Here) section. You can find update_database.php file in the "documentation/updates/Update to v4.2" folder.
Clear your browser cache. This is important. If you do not clear, your browser may continue to run old codes.
Updating FTP Files
Open your cPanel and go to File Manager section.
Go to main directory of your site.
Create a new folder named "old". You can use another name. It won't make any differences.
Move all of your files to this folder.
Upload "" file to this directory.
Rigth click the .zip file and select "Extract" option.
Move all files that in the "script-v.." folder to main directory.
Delete unnecessary files/folders: "documentation", "uploads", "script-v..", "install" and "".
Copy old/uploads folder to main directory.
Open app/Config/Database.php file and enter your database credentials.
Open "configfile" file that on the main directory of the script files and add your license and your site URL.